
The static website for ruralrevival.org

Primary LanguageHTML

Rural Revival Website

Created in Dec 2019, this is a port of our old WordPress data over to a Hugo static website.

Content Layout

The majority of the content is in the content folder. Within that are folders and Markdown formatted files for each page/news article. Generally, news stories are stored as a markdown file in a named folder organized by year alongside their associated files/images. See content/news/2019 as examples to follow.

Some historic documents/attachments are in the static directory. These could be moved, but haven't been. If minutes are added they can be added to that directory as before and referenced using a relative URL (relative to the static directory).

If developing locally, running hugo serve from this base directory will allow for viewing edits very quickly.

To publish to the site, all one needs to do is commit changes to the master branch on github. Netlify will be notified of the changes, and will take care of running the Hugo command and deploy the site live.

Adding Meeting Minutes or Other Static Content

Meeting minutes should be saved as a PDF and then have their filenames slugified (with a little local utility ~/.local/slugfiy) and placed into the static/<year>/ folder in the file structure.


Netlify Status

Netlify is hosting the site, and looking directly at the repository for changes and is deploying them automatically.


All blame goes to Paul Ortman.