
Base maven project that uses JPA (Hibernate implementation), Resteasy and others common dependencies (see <ROOT_DIRECTORY>/pom.xml for the list of all dependencies).

Primary LanguageJava


Base maven project that uses JPA (Hibernate implementation), Resteasy and others common dependencies (see <ROOT_DIRECTORY>/pom.xml for the list of all dependencies).


Before follow this tutorial, define your new project name, and replace it in all the <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME> sentences.


  • Java 8
  • Maven 3
  • Eclipse (used here: Eclipse Luna)
  • PostgreSQL (used here: 9.3)

Installing and configuring your PostgreSQL database

  • Install PostgreSQL 9.3: sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3

  • Change user: sudo su postgres

  • Create a new user: createuser <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>

  • Create a new database: createdb <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>_devel

  • Create a new database: createdb <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>_test

  • Allow your new user to access and modify the new database created: psql

  • postgres=# alter user <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME> with encrypted password '<YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>';
  • postgres=# grant all privileges on database <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>)_devel to <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>;
  • postgres=# grant all privileges on database <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>_test to <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>;
  • To access the development database: psql -h localhost <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>_devel <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>
  • To access the test database: psql -h localhost <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>_test <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>
  • Use the following commands to control the PostgreSQL server:
  • Start the service: sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start
  • Stop the service: sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
  • Find out the status: sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql status
  • Restart the service: sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

Creating your project

  • Create a new Github repository from this one

  • Clone your new repository: git clone git@github.com:<YOUR_GITHUB_USER>/<YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>.git

  • Run the script <ROOT_DIRECTORY>/setup_new_project.sh <YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_NAME>

  • Run a mvn clean install && mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse on the implementation directory

  • Import your project into Eclipse