
Project developed for the challenge of being company.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Challenge being

Project developed with help of some packages, which are: "doctrine/orm", "phpoffice/phpexcel" and "phpmailer/phpmailer".

Pre requirements

  • PHP 5.6.x or high
  • PHP Zip Extension (php-zip)
  • composer installed
  • nodejs installed

Structure project

├── database-scripts/   - script.sql file is here
├── frontend-dev/
|   └── src/            - files for the frontend
└── web-app/            
    ├── app/            - similar structure MVC
    ├── boostrap/       - config files
    └── public/         - project index

Setting up the project


The files used for the frontend are in "frontend-dev/src/".

Run npm install && bower install in the "frontend-dev" folder for sync with "web-app/public/".


The sql script is in the "database-scripts" folder.

Run composer install in the "web-app" folder.

Change the database and smtp settings in the "web-app/bootstrap/app-config.php".

Running project

After that run php -S localhost:8000 in the "web-app/public/" folder