Scrape account data from TD EasyWeb.
After moving to university, I started needing to track my expenses more carefully (for tax purposes). Unfortunately, the web portal my bank provides (TD EasyWeb) does not have the ability to edit transaction data (as far as I know). Therefore, it made sense to track this information in a spreadsheet! After a while, updating the spreadsheet got quite tedious, so I wanted a better way to get the data from TD's web portal into my spreadsheet. Since they don't provide an API, this project was born.
Clone the repository locally.
Create a file ".config" in the root directory, with this file format:
<line 1=TD username> <line 2=TD password> <line 3=Google Sheets spreadsheet ID>
Note that the last line is not required if you don't plan on uploading the data to Google Sheets.
Create a file "" in the root directory, containing the following Python dictionary:
ACCOUNT_TYPES = { "<account 1 name in EasyWeb>": "<account 1 name in spreadsheet>", "<account 2 name in EasyWeb>": "<account 2 name in spreadsheet>", }
Download the file
from your Google Cloud app and put it in the root directory. -
Everything should just work now! Run
first, and assuming this succeeds,
to upload the data to Google Sheets.