
Dynamically creates a web page with a selection of movies from a python data structure

Primary LanguagePython

Project: Movie Trailer Website

Created by Paul Parent as part of the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program. Last updated: August 20, 2015

Required Libraries and Dependencies

This project requires Python v2.x to be installed on the user's computer.

How to Run Project

  1. Download the latest copy of the project from https://github.com/paulparent/udacity-project-1.git (there is a small "Download ZIP" button at the bottom of the column at the right side of the repository page).
  2. Within the download, you will see the following files:
    • README.txt (this document)
    • entertainment_center.py
    • media.py
    • fresh_tomatoes.py
  3. To run the project locally, open the IDLE application installed with Python or a Terminal window
    • from the IDLE application, open the "entertainment_center.py" file and select "Run Module" from the "Run" menu
    • from the Terminal, navigate to the directory where the project files are located and enter the command "python entertainment_center.py" at the prompt and hit enter
    • the program will run and launch the user's default web browser
    • once finished exploring, the user can close the web browser window (or tab) and exit IDLE or the Terminal

Extra Credit Description

This project includes a few additional features beyond the base specifications:

  • The Movie class includes additional instance variables for release date, story line, and a link to IMDB to learn more about the movie.
  • The fresh_tomatoes.py file was modified to:
    • render the additional information in the browser (story line, release date, and link to IMDB),
    • narrow the scope of the click events to the poster image, movie title, and storyline
    • add text with links to "More Information at IMDB"
    • added unicode tomato to title in navbar