
Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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This is a wrapper around the Gatling load testing framework, with pre configured injection steps, protocols and assertions.

Adding to your build

In your SBT build add:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("hmrc", "releases")

libraryDependencies += "uk.gov.hmrc" %% "performance-test-runner" % "x.x.x"

Implement your first simulation

Step 1: Implement the requests to your pages
import uk.gov.hmrc.performance.conf.ServicesConfiguration

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._

object HelloWorldRequests extends ServicesConfiguration {

  val baseUrl = baseUrl("hello-world-frontend")

  def navigateToLoginPage =
    http("Navigate to Login Page")

  def submitLogin = {
    http("Submit username and password")
      .post(s"$baseUrl/login": String)
      .formParam("userId", "${username}")
      .formParam("password", "${password}")

  def navigateToHome =
    http("Navigate To Home")

Step 2: Setup the simulation
import uk.gov.hmrc.performance.simulation.ConfigurationDrivenSimulations
import HelloWorldRequests._

class HelloWorldSimulation extends ConfigurationDrivenSimulations {

  setup("login", "Login") withRequests (navigateToLoginPage, submitLogin)

  setup("home", "Go to the homepage") withRequests navigateToHome

Step 3. Configure the journeys


journeys {

  hello-world-1 = {
    description = "Hello world journey 1"
    load = 9.1
    feeder = data/helloworld.csv
    parts = [
  hello-world-2 = {
    description = "Hello world journey 2"
    load = 6.2
    feeder = data/helloworld.csv
    parts = [

Step 4. Configure the tests


runLocal = true

baseUrl = "http://helloworld-service.co.uk"

perftest {
  rampupTime = 1
  constantRateTime = 5
  rampdownTime = 1
  loadPercentage = 100
  journeysToRun = [
  labels = "label-A, label-B"   #optional
  percentageFailureThreshold = 5


Step 4. Configure the user feeder



In your csv you can use placeholders:
${random} is replaced with a random int value
${currentTime} is replaced with the current time in milliseconds
${range-X} is replaced by a string representation of number made of X digits. The number is incremental and starts from 1 again when it reaches the max value. For example ${range-3} will be replaced with '001' the first time, '002' the next and so on.

This allows you to create a csv with only one record but an infinite number of random values


Run a smoke test

To run a smoke test through all journeys, with one user only, set the following.

sbt -Dperftest.runSmokeTest=true -Djava.io.tmpdir=${WORKSPACE}/tmp test

Run the test

To run the full performance test execute

sbt -Djava.io.tmpdir=${WORKSPACE}/tmp test

More about the journey configuration.

description will be assigned to the journey in the test report

load is the number of journeys that will be started every second

feeder is the relative path to the csv feeder file. More here

parts is the list of parts that combined create your journey

You can have as many journeys as you like in journeys.conf, the simulation will start and run them all together.

More about the services configuration.

Contains the name of the service and the port when running locally. Read the services-local.conf file for more details and examples.

More about application.conf

runLocal boolean value to run test locally. Default value is true.

baseUrl is the default url for every service. Read the application.conf file for more details and examples.

rampupTime is the time in minutes for the simulation to inject the users with a linear ramp up

constantRateTime is the time in minutes for the simulation to inject users at a constant rate

rampdownTime is the time in minutes for the simulation to inject the users with a linear ramp down

loadPercentage is the percentage of the load for the journeys. Read the application.conf file for more details and examples.

journeysToRun contains the journeys that will be executed. Leave it empty if you want to run all the journeys

labels optional string containing a comma-separated list of test labels. Read the application.conf file for more details.

percentageFailureThreshold optional int. Read the application.conf file for more details.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.