Use this tool to convert the output of kallisto pseudo into a equivalence class counts matrix suitable for input into Seurat.
This tool was created because I was unable to extract a Seurat compatable expression matrix from the output of kallisto "pseudo". It relies on modified version of the "" script written by the pachterlab
Example usage is as follows:
python3 -T matrix.tsv -E -O outputDir -I Mus_musculus.GRCm38.cdna.all.fa
| --inputMatrixec # Provide the "" file output by kallisto "pseudo"
| --inputMatrixtsv # Provide the "matrix.tsv" file output by kallisto "pseudo"
| --outputDir # Provide the path to your desired output directory
| --indexFasta # Provide the path to the index .fasta file that was used to generate your kallisto .idx file. This file must be unzipped
The output of this script is three files.
- The expression matrix table.
- The row names (Equivalence class IDs)
- A mapping of the Equivalence class ID to corresponding transcript IDs
Please note the cell IDs (column names) are availible in the "matrix.cells" file generated by kallisto "pseudo".