
Simple C++ framework based on ZeroMQ to support the developing of redundant services

Primary LanguageC++

Reliable Service Framework

To compile simply call the 'make' command. The framework is compiled with a testing configuration. After the compilation, you can run the components by the following commands:

RSF_client -s i

runs the client and requests the i-th service, where i belongs to [0, 2].


runs the broker component and its health checker. By default, the health checker expects 3 servers per service but it can be changed in the broker main.

RSF_deployment_unit -s i -n j

runs the deployment of the servers, where j servers are deployed for the service i. For this testing config j=3 must be used.

The test/ folder contains a set of testing scripts. Each of them must be run from the framework folder and simulates a particular situation.

The scripts are the following:


A client requests a service which is available.


A client requests a service which actually is not running.


A client requests a service 5 times while one server has been killed.


A client requests a service 5 times while two servers has been killed.


3 clients send a request 5 times for the same service.


2 clients send a request 5 times for two different services.


Kills the broker process and waits its restart.


Kills a server process and waits its restart.

After every script execution each component prints some log information to a different log file. The logs are located in the folder log/ and are deleted before executing a new script.