
This is for instructors to work on tools or assignments for the Software Design Spring 2016 course at Olin College.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is for instructors to work on tools or assignments for the Software Design Spring 2016 course at Olin College.


./tools/extract_answers_template.py GH_USERNAMES_CSV TEMPLATE_NOTEBOOK_FILE

Creates a Jupyter notebook in ./processed_notebooks. The notebook is based on the notebook at TEMPLATE_NOTEBOOK_FILE. The tool searches each of the repositories in GH_USERNAMES_CSV (a CSV file with a gh_username column) for notebooks with the same name, and collects their respones.


Take a student notebook and the starter assignment notebook and return the diff, but separated per problem. This lets us see at a glance that the student answered something for each problem.

./tools/prettypatch_pull_requests.py GITHUB_USER GITHUB_REPO

Create a directory build/${GITHUB_REPO} that contains the diff, in patch format and colorized HTML, of each pull request.

This command assumes there only pull request per repository.

Notebook Metadata

These Jupyter cell metadata fields are meaningful:

  • is_question: anchor for finding answers in student notebooks
  • is_optional: don't list students who didn't answer this
  • is_poll: don't eliminate duplicates answers, or list students who didn't answer
  • allow_multi_cell


pip install -r requirements.txt

To enable prettypatch_pull_requests.py:

Set HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN to avoid Github's rate limit.

Install Ruby.