Final Project

Deadline: Thu, 16 June 2022, 23:55


Choose a topic to your liking for your own project. If you have no preference for any topic, you may build on the TU Wien Beer Bar by either replacing parts and/or extending the existing project. For example, this could be a pub quiz, an extended beer supply or an extended voting board.


We consider the following aspects:

  • Documentation: Provide the documentation of your project by completing the project details in the on git. Add further files as necessary.
  • Complexity: The project should be non-trivial. Rather, it should make use of mappings, roles with RBAC, modifiers, Ether and tokens when reasonable. Moreover, it should provide a simple web interface for interaction with the contract.
  • Correctness: The project should use correct math (big numbers, overflow), include test cases and ensure that neither any ether nor any tokens are lost.
  • Security: Try to avoid that the contract can be depleted by any method used in the challenges.
  • Originality: We would like your projects to be distinguishable from reproductions, clones, forgeries, or derivative works. On a side note: we've already seen too many casinos.

We place less value on a fancy WebUI, as it is not part of the LVA.

Your project is complex enough if 40 hours of effort are understandable for us.

Project Outline

Deadline: Thu, 12 May 2022, 23:55.

Prepare and submit an outline for your chosen topic on TUWEL. This should be a structured document (2 pages) that contains the following elements:

Short description of functionality:
Off-chain part - frontend design:
On-chain part - planned contracts:
Token concept incl. used standards:
Ether usage:
Data structures:
Security considerations:
Used coding patterns in addition to roles (randomness, commitments, timeouts, deposits, or others):

Regarding the complexity of your project, please consider as a typical breakdown for your efforts:

  • 15h Contract development
  • 5h Contract test cases
  • 5h Frontend development
  • 5h Testing and deploying
  • 10h Setup of GitLab, Truffle, etc.

Submission and Presentation

Submit your project to your master branch on and present it in the online review session on Thu, 23 June 2022. Reserve a time slot via TUWEL.


Run npm install to install all dependencies.

This repository contains an initialized Truffle project.

Recommended web3.js version: v1.7.1


Implement your contracts in the contracts/ folder. You can compile them with npm run compile

Implement your test cases in the tests/ folder. You can run them with npm run test.

With npm run dev you can start a local truffle development chain.

You can deploy the project to the LVA-Chain via npm run truffle deploy -- --network=prod (requires running geth client). If you use roles, please make us - the person at addresses.getPublic(94) - an owner/admin of the contract.

Web interface

You are free to implement your web interface to your liking. You can use static JavaScript files (similar to the BeerBar Plain Version) or Drizzle-React (BeerBar React Version), or any other suitable framework like Angular , Vue, React.

If you use only static content, put your files into the public/ folder.
You can run a local webserver with npm run start.

If you use another framework, you will need to adjust the build command in package.json. Follow the documentation of your framework for doing so.

The content of your public/ folder will also be available via the URL .

Project details

(Please do not change the headers or layout of this section)


BitTorrent Tracker


Below are the addresses on which the contracts are deployed on the LVA-Chain:

  • Tracker: 0x0B7f74752454Ca7e336383FfCc55324ceeFC7359


This project implements a BitTorrent tracker as a smart contract, to combine the benefits of distributed hash tables (i.e., decentralized) with the solidity of Ethereum (i.e, no one can block or deny access). The smart contracts of the project are the Tracker which contains the logic of the BitTorrent tracker, the PeerMap library which is used to manage an efficient data structure for the state of the tracker and the PeerMapMock contract to test the implementation of the PeerMap.

As described in the project outline, BitTorrent trackers work primarily over HTTP. Therefore, this project provides a middleware (see directory middleware/) written in Express that accepts requests from BitTorrent clients (e.g. aria2, qBittorrent, Transmission), converts them into a storage-efficient format, sends a transaction to the smart contract, and returns the response back to the client. Furthermore, a web-interface (see directory frontend/) written in Angular is provided to display the up-to-date contents of the data structures managed by the smart contract, and adjust the contracts preferences.

On a side note: Originally, it was planned to even add a token reward system, but since this system is based solely on values entered by users and one must therefore assume that the system would be exploited if it were worthwhile, so I finally had to decide against this feature.



To use the BitTorrent Tracker, the middleware must first be cloned and configured with the addresses of the Tracker and the account which should be used for transactions. This can be done by creating a file .env in the middleware/ directory having the following contents:


Note: Each client needs its own middleware and its own sender address. Since the address is used as peer_id and the tracker depends on it, who can perform updates for certain peers. Use the PORT environment variable if you would like to run the middleware on the same computer for different clients.

Next, the middleware can be installed and started by issuing following commands in the middleware/ directory:

npm install
npm start


To use the frontend, navigate to its deployment at Then enter the address of the Tracker contract you want to view; to change settings you further need to enter a sender address of an OWNER of the Tracker contract.

BitTorrent Client

The main functionality of the project is that the tracker can be used together with conventional BitTorrent clients. In the following, we will explain how the Tracker can be used to coordinate the exchange of files. For the explanation, we will use the BitTorrent client qBittorrent on one client, and aria2 on the other.

First, we create a new torrent under Tools -> Torrent Creator with the following settings:

  • Path: <path-to-file>
  • Settings:
    • Private Torrent (should be enabled, to prevent the torrent from being announced to DHT)
    • Start seeding immediately (usually, we want to seed immediately on the client we have created the torrent)
  • Fields:
    • Tracker URLs: http://<ip>:3000/announce (use e.g. or even a public IP address, not localhost, as this field will be stored in the .torrent file and also used to connect to the tracker).

After the .torrent file is created, we check if out client was announced correctly. This can be done either in the client under Trackers or though the output of the middleware.

Finally, we can download the torrent with the following command (this can be done from any computer which is able to reach the address qBittorrent announced to the tracker):

aria2c --bt-tracker='http://<ip>:<port>/announce' --bt-exclude-tracker='*' <path-to-file>.torrent

Observe the middleware output for everything that happens between the contract and the BitTorrent client, and the frontend for a representation of the data structures managed by the tracker contract.

Note 1: Use the ip and port of the second middleware instance, this should not (!) be the same address as the address qBittorrent uses. If you load the .torrent file into a different client make sure edit the tracker before starting the download.

Note 2: During testing, we observed some clients (especially qBittorrent and Transmission) are sometimes very hesitant to connect to peers, so that it sometimes takes several minutes until the download starts, although seeding peers are already known to the client. The most reliable downloader was found to be aria2, although all clients work at some point.


Below are some details on the implementation in list form:

  • The PeerMap as a central data structure has basically two functions to add peers: update and exchange. Where update is comparable to setting a value in a mapping, and with exchange peers can be overwritten directly by other peers to ultimately save gas (2900 gas instead of 20000 gas per SSTORE instruction).
  • Whether peers may be overwritten is checked by the Tracker contract depending on whether a peer has exceeded the timeout, here it is again important to note that the contract itself should not search for a timed out peer, since this would require iteration over an unbound and (possibly) large array, which involves unnecessary gas consumption and possibly the risk of a gas-block-limit attack.
  • Instead of using the native peer_id from the BitTorrent protocol to identify the client (e.g. to update its state), we use the sender's address for this purpose. This allows us that only the owner of the key can update his peer state (provided he did not time out).
  • The contract does not use tokens or ether because clients pay with gas anyway to announce themselves to the tracker.
  • Updating a peer costs around 50.000 gas; replacing a peer costs around 70.000 gas; adding a peer costs around 110.000 gas; creating a torrent costs around 150.000 gas (w/ gas price 20 GWei).
  • When peers are deleted, their last state in terms of upload/download volume is stored in the PeerRemoved event, since storing information in events is comparatively cheap compared to storage.
  • To save space, the smallest possible data structures are used within the PeerMap, e.g. the values for the transported volume (uploaded, downloaded, left are uint64, i.e. have the size usually used in 64-bit clients), the timestamp is a uint32 (which is sufficient until 02.07.2106) and IP address and port is stored together in a byte6.
  • The Tracker contract makes use of AccessControl and Pausable of the OpenZeppelin Project.
  • The implementation of the PeerMap uses some tricks from the EnumerableMap , i.e., the mapping stores the index + 1 (and not the index directly) to refer to a value in the corresponding array such that the value 0 remains as sanity value, but still every slot of the array can be used.
  • The idea of testing the PeerMap library by using a contract (i.e., PeerMapMock) is inspired by the OpenZeppelin Project.
  • Due to the simplicity, functions of the ABIEncoderV2 are used in the Tracker and the PeerMap. Thus, whole arrays are returned via the views and structs are passed directly to the functions instead of individual variables. ABIEncoderV2 is activated per default on Solidity v0.8.0 and above.

Effort breakdown

Task h
Developing a working BitTorrent tracker stub in Node.js 10 h
Contract development 12,5 h
Contract test cases 5 h
Frontend development 15 h
Description and TODOs in README 3,5 h
Deployment and (pen-)ultimate testing 5,5 h


  • Some BitTorrent clients only connect to the peers supplied by the tracker after a few minutes or ignore peers with local IP addresses.
  • Solidity does not support generics; therefore, I could not make use of the EnumerableMap from OpenZeppelin for the PeerMap implementation. However, the map had to be adjusted beyond that, which means it wouldn't have helped too much.
  • Combining the architecture of Angular (which tends to be more about events coming from the browser and not the backend) and Web3/Smart Contracts I have found to be not easy and straight forward.

Proposal for future changes

When writing the outline, I had the impression that project ideas that are not games (casinos were even addressed in particular) tend to be preferred. However, features such as commitment schemes or randomness are, in my perception, primarily to be found in games. Here I would put even more focus on the fact that students include these topics in their proposals. Anyway, I still found the topic I chose interesting and was able to get some thoughts in there on how to possibly convert a "conventional" system into a smart contract. That being said, I feel a frontend template in Angular (or Vue.js) would be better than one in React, as this is also taught in previous courses (e.g., Software Engineering und Projektmanagement, Web Engineering).