

This is a quick list of of rule blocking for credit cards based on BINs. The BIN (Bank Identification Number) is the numbers at the start of the card, generally the first 6 digits, e.g. 464088 . If you are having a particular issue with a certain credit card issuer, with respect to fraud, chargebacks, etc. it is possible to block these BINs. In our case we see virtual cards are generally abused and we needed a way to block these.

Virtual cards

Virtual cards allow you generate new full credit card numbers on the fly. While there are privacy advantages they are also open to abuse, i.e. people who you've blocked from using your services

Finding BIN Lists

It can be hard to find good lists of BINs, they change often and banks don't share them so openly. Curretly our go to is


I've share a number of files based on the card issuer. These are named based on the company name and series number. BANKNAME-SERIES.txt, e.g. revolut-02.txt


Use at your own risk. You can use these to trigger an outright block, or you can flag these transactions for reviews.


  • Stripe Rules can only be 1,000 character
  • Have a list you'd like to share, please share with a pull request
  • In the case that a bank may have multiple operating names we've used the most familar version.


It is also possible to block users who user a previously bad credit card. More about that soon.