areaDetector Viewer in Qt/OpenGL
$ export EPICS_BASE=/your-epics/base/
$ export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=linux-x86_64
$ qmake
$ make
--prefix=<areaDetector NDArray>: channel prefix of NDStdArray
--rate=<frame rate>: refresh with fixed frame rate or monitor for updates (<=0)
--simple: show only the viewer window
--fullscreen: fullscreen mode
--dg=<[width][xheight][xoffset][yoffset]>: window geometry
show viewer only
$ QtAD --prefix=13PS1:image1: --simple
- data type can only be Int8 or Int16
- color type can be mono, bayer or RGB1
- image width and height must be even number. odd width or height produces slanted image.
- bayer.h/c sources from