This is an interpose layer for asyn octet drivers. It adds the feature to have a delay after every chunk of characters written to the device. The default chunk size is 1.
In the startup script, after loading the asynInterposeDelay
driver and
setting up an asyn octet port,
call asynInterposeDelay
to add this interpose layer to an existing
asyn octet port/address.
At run-time, delay and chunk size can be examined or changed using the
asyn option interface with the "delay"
or "chunksize"
option, respectively.
The delay is a floating point number in seconds.
The chunk size is an unsigned integer. 0 is treated as 1.
asynInterposeDelay "port", address, "delay", chunksize
asynShowOption "port", address, "delay"
asynShowOption "port", address, "chunksize"
asynSetOption "port", address, "delay", delay
asynSetOption "port", address, "chunksize", chunksize
drvAsynSerialPortConfigure "port", "/dev/ttyS0"
asynInterposeDelay "port", 0, 0.001
asynShowOption "port", 0, "delay"
asynSetOption "port", 0, "delay", 0.05
asynShowOption "port", 0, "chunksize"
asynSetOption "port", 0, "chunksize", 32