This is the collection of anaconda recipes for the Paul Scherrer Institute. They are automatically built using GitHub workflows (Linux and macOS) and AppVeyor (Windows) and uploaded to Anaconda.
The build uses conda-build --skip-existing option to avoid unnecessary builds. To force a new build, increase the build number of the recipe.
To build a recipe manually:
conda build <recipe>
To add a new recipe:
- Test the recipe first.
- If the recipe is of pure Python, i.e. noarch, add one line at step Build pure python packages in file .github/workflows/conda_build.yml.
- If the recipe requires compiling,
- Add one line at step Build ${{ runner.os }} Packages in file .github/workflows/conda_build.yml.
- Add one line at step install in file .appveyor.yml.
- Commit and push your changes.