
Demonstrate the use of Kafka HTTP Connector with a REST API

Primary LanguageDockerfile

How to use Kafka Http Sink Connector from Confluent

An example use case

Problem statement:

  • Consume a message from a topic and Transform the message fields for the REST API
  • POST it to a REST API via HTTP or HTTPs.
  • Capture the API response.
  • Record any errors while posting the message.

Confluent has recently released a HTTP-Sink-Connector. In this demo I am demonstrating how this connector can be used to solve the above mentioned problems.

Note: This connector needs a license for production use.


Confluent Platform is installed and services are running locally.

How to install and run a local kafka cluster

Note: Download the Confluent platform tar or zip and extract it into a directory ~/confluent-platform. Set an environment variable to this path.

export CONFLUENT_HOME=~/confluent-platform

Install confluent hub client using brew. Commands for MacOS

brew tap confluentinc/homebrew-confluent-hub-client
brew cask install confluent-hub-client

Install http connector using confluent hub client.

confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-connect-http:latest

Demo REST API service

Start any REST API for testing. I used the one used by Confluent kafka-connect-http-demo

git clone https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-connect-http-demo.git
cd kafka-connect-http-demo
mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=simple-auth

Start the local kafka cluster

confluent local start

Load the simple Http sink connector

confluent local load httpsink -- -d simpleHttpSink.json

Configuration details about the connector

Check status of connector

confluent local status SimpleHttpSink

For the sake of demo, let's monitor 3 topics:

  • http-messages
  • success-responses
  • error-responses

Capturing the HTTP Response from the API

Produce some string messages to the Source http-messages topic

confluent local produce http-messages

Consume the http response in the success-responses topic

Note: Open few consumers in another terminal window to monitor the other topics.

confluent local consume <topic-name>

Messages received in Success response topic

Capturing Failed POST requests:

We can do error reporting to produce records to after each unsuccessful POST.

Note: There is a lag in error reporting because of the retry attempts. Retry attempts are configurable.

Reproduce a error in the REST API, error is received in the error-responses topic. (See in the bottom right corner in the screenshot)

Messages in Error Response topic

Transformation of messages

SMT(Single Message Transform) can be used to transform the message for the http request body. There are many pre-build transformations available. We can also write custom Transformations.

Aggregation, being a stateful transformation, cannot be done within SMTs. Complex transformations and operations that apply to multiple messages are best implemented with KSQL and Kafka Streams.


  • Below are some commands to debug some issues:
//Restart the connector
curl -X POST localhost:8083/connectors/SimpleHttpSink/restart | jq

//Unload a connector
confluent local unload SimpleHttpSink -- -d simpleHttpSink.json

  • You can also delete the connector and create it again. Refer the below links.

References for futher reading: