diagnosing SSAO issues

Primary LanguageShaderLab

Diagnosing SSAO issue

This is something of a cold case, but I thought I'd take a crack at it. The problem is detailed here: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/85894/unwanted-darkening-at-polygon-edges-when-using-normal-maps-with-ssao

My answer to the original question "Is there anything obvious wrong with the normals?" is that there does appear to be something wrong, although it's not particularly obvious. When I finally saw it, I felt like Mac:

Mac sees you

To begin, I wanted to emulate the normal colouring shown in the screenshots. At first I thought it matched the standard Unity normal colouring, but it doesn't. One difference, shown by the cube at the back right of the screen is that blue represents normals pointing towards the camera. In Unity, this is represented as negative in the blue channel and so clipped to 0, that is, black. The other difference, shown by the colouring of the floor, is that the normals are in world space. If it were in camera space, the floor would be apparently tipped towards the camera and mix some blue with the green.

This project contains a modified post processing debug layer that displays the normals in world space with blue towards us for comparison purposes.

Included in this project is the scene NormalTest. This scene shows normal directions by reading them from the pixel under the mouse pointer and then projecting a line in the direction of the normal. This helps visualize the surfaces.

The seat

Focussing on the seat of the chair, broadly speaking it should be a flat surface pointing up and therefore should be a flat green colour. However, the normals have been smoothed. If I make a squashed cube and smooth the normals (the SmoothedNormals scene), this is the colouring I get:

flattened and smoothed cube

A smoothed and flattened cube: it is full green in the middle, tinting red to the right and blue to the front.

seat without normal map

The seat of the original chair without normal mapping is roughly the same. It is full green in the middle, tinting red to the right and blue to the front.

normal mapped seat

But with normal mapping, in the middle it already appears tinted towards the blue, and then it tints further from there. This doesn't appear to be correct.

asset store chair without normal map

For comparison, here is an asset store chair: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/furniture/wooden-chairs-2-variations-125757. Without normals it shows a similar pattern.

asset store chair with normal map

With the normal map applied, you can see changes to colours in the detail, but on average the colours remain the same over the surface.

The legs

Focussing now on the legs, again broadly speaking, they should be cylinders coloured blue (because they should be facing you) and tinted red to the right.

legs without normal map

Again, this is roughly what we see in the chair without normal mapping.

legs with normal map

With normal mapping applied, it appears as if the normals have been twisted to the right.

The back

Finally, looking at the back rest, this appears to be curved and so on the left hand side, I expect the normals to be rotated towards the right.

seat back without normal map

This is what we see in the unmapped version above.

seat back with normal map

However, in the normal mapped version, this tilt appears to have gone.


This suggests to me that either the normal maps have been generated incorrectly, encoded incorrectly, decoded incorrectly, or applied incorrectly.

Excluding the shader

To eliminate the possibility of a shader error I have taken the code provided and patched it into the Unity post process SSAO effect. It appears to work correctly without demonstrating the issues noted. In this project I have included a chair and an alien model from the asset store as test files. Both of these appear to render a decent looking SSAO effect, with and without normal maps. You can use the SSAO scene to test this.

asset store chair SSAO without normal map asset store chair SSAO with normal map


asset store alien SSAO without normal map asset store alien SSAO with normal map

Reconstructing the normals

There was some discussion in the original post about using a function to reconstruct the normals from the 3D position of each pixel. I have included an additional option to apply this function. In this case, the normal map is not used. I managed to get reasonable results from this function, but there was a bug in the code. I needed to swap the parameters of the cross product or I got bad results like those shown in the original post.

float3 reconstructNormal(float3 positionWorldSpace)
    return normalize(cross(ddy(positionWorldSpace), ddx(positionWorldSpace)));

asset store alien SSAO bad reconstructed normals asset store alien SSAO good reconstructed normals


I suspect the normal maps are the cause of the original issue. The maps should not be making such large scale modifications to the normals. I would recommend checking known good normal maps and models with the engine to see if the issue was in the creation or application of the normal maps.

Using reconstructed normals, the cross product needs reversing to give a good result.