
:thought_balloon: a dev server for rapid prototyping

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This is a browserify development server inspired by beefy and wzrd, but with a stronger focus on incremental bundling, LiveReload (including CSS injection), and other experimental features down the road.

Note that budo needs a copy of watchify installed. It can be either local (preferred) or global.

npm install budo watchify -g

The simplest use cases will start up a server with a default index.html and incrementally bundle your source on filesave. Examples:

#run watchify on port 9966
budo index.js

#run watchify with explicit output file 
budo index.js --outfile bundle.js --verbose

#run watchify with some options and trigger LiveReload on change
budo index.js --live --transform brfs

You can open localhost:9966 to see the content in action.

To pretty-print in terminal, garnish, bistre or another ndjson-based stream can be used.

budo index.js -o bundle.js | garnish

See docs for more features.

PRs/suggestions/comments welcome. Props to @caspervonb for the early groundwork.




Details for budo command-line interface. Other options like --verbose and --transform are sent to browserify/watchify.

    budo [entries] [opts]

    --outfile, -o   path to output bundle
    --port          the port to run, default 9966
    --host          the host, default "localhost"
    --dir           the directory to serve, and the base for --outfile
    --live          enable LiveReload integration
    --live-plugin   enable LiveReload but do not inject script tag
    --live-port     the LiveReload port, default 35729

Script Injection


(click for demo)

The original motivation for making budō was to build a simple tool around Chrome Script Injection. This has since split off into its own repository: budo-chrome to minimize the scope of budō.


MIT, see LICENSE.md for details.