
Toast UI Calendar Wrapper For Blazor

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A Toast UI Calendar Wrapper For Blazor
Drag-And-Drop Events, Tasks, and Scheduling

NuGet NuGetPre DLs Issues license stars


See Toast UI Calendar for details: https://github.com/nhn/tui.calendar
Toast UI Calendar Site: https://ui.toast.com/tui-calendar

Pre-Release BETA now available on Nuget.

Please visit Disucssions for any questions or comments or open an issue for any bugs found.

How to start:

Nuget Pre-release:
Install-Package toast_ui.blazor_calendar -Version 1.0.0-beta3.0

Edit your project files:

In _Imports.razor


@using toast_ui.blazor_calendar

In _Host.cshtml

add this inside the <head>

<link href="_content/toast_ui.blazor_calendar/TUI.blazorCalendar.css" rel="stylesheet">

add this inside the <body> near the bottom

<script src="_content/toast_ui.blazor_calendar/TUI.blazor_calendar.min.js"></script> 

Place the Component in a razor file (See Test Project)

<TUICalendar Schedules="ViewModel.Schedules" 
             OnChangeCalendarEventOrTask="@(async (x) => await ViewModel.OnChangeCalendarEventOrTask(x))"
             OnClickCalendarEventOrTask="@(async (x) => await ViewModel.OnClickCalendarEventOrTask(x))"
             OnCreateCalendarEventOrTask="@(async (x) => await ViewModel.OnCreateCalendarEventOrTask(x))"
             OnDeleteCalendarEventOrTask="@(async (x) => await ViewModel.OnDeleteCalendarEventOrTask(x))"


Create and/or make a pull request on the dev branch.

WAAAYYY More To Come... Help Welcomed

I am attempting to implement a simple CalDav Server and Client to make a better example of the calendar component. CalDavSharp