
CTwalk is a function-based Python package that enables you to download the street network and POI data from OSM, and calculate how accessible these are from different origin locations.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CTnetwork is a function-based Python package that enables you to:

  • Download street network and POI data from OpenStreetMap per city or bounding box
  • Calculate street network centrality metrics such as street betweenness, street sinuosity, and intersection closeness.
  • Calculate average widths of space along streets dedicated to pedestrians or bicyclists (i.e., sidewalks or bike paths)


Currently developing.

  • [DONE] Download street network and POI data from OpenStreetMap per city or bounding box
  • [DONE] Calculate street network centrality metrics such as street betweenness, street sinuosity, and intersection closeness.
  • [PENDING] Calculate how accessible the POIs are from different origin locations based on the downloaded street network and different weights.
  • [PENDING] Include different metrics of accessibility.


  • Clone the repo
  • Run the following command in the terminal:
pip install dist/ctnetwork-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

Get started

How to download a city's street network enriched by network centrality measures (intersection closeness, street betweenness, street sinuosity)

Now you can use the functions of the library. For example:

from ctnetwork import streets

streets.get_streets_per_cities(cities=['Delft'],buffer_dist=10, network_type='drive', intersection_clos=False,  street_betw=False, street_sin=False)

streets.get_streets_per_bbox(52.032492, 51.966120, 4.372967, 4.344471, network_type='drive', output_folder='.',intersection_clos=False, street_betw=True, street_sin=False, retain_all=True)

Or check out our Examples Notebook demonstration various functions of ctwalk!