
Just a CQRS example to show how Mediatr can be leveraged via Autofac to great advantage.

Primary LanguageC#


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 | |_/ /__| |_  \ `--.| |_ ___  _ __ ___ 
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 \_|  \___|\__| \____/ \__\___/|_|  \___|

Based on the Microsoft eShops example (see appendix below), this is a simpler example of how to leverage Mediatr and Autofac in a CQRS project.

Check out my presentation called README.presentation.pdf in the project root. It shows more highlights of this app.


1) Run DB Scripts

Figure out which DB you want to add the two tables, petCommand.Pet & petQuery.Pet to be located in and run the PetStore.Infrastructure/Scripts/Migrations/PetStoreMigrations_8-30-2021.sql migration script so those two tables exist.

Syntax assumes SQL Server.

2) Update the connection string.

appsettings.json is the config file this application looks at when it starts the API project.

Make sure you alter that PetStore.API/appsettings.json's ConnectionStrings > DefaultConnection value so that the db name matches the one you've placed your tables in.

The connection string looks like this: data source=localhost; initial catalog=cxdw; integrated security=True; make sure you replace the cxdw part of that string with the name of your database.

3) Run the API project.

Run the API project

4) Import the Postman file

Import the PetStore.Postman.json into postman to interact with the API project.

Order of operations:

  1. Create a Pet (do this a few times so you can test out the List Pets functionality)
  2. Get a Pet by ResoureID.
  3. List all Pets.


Check out the README.presentation.pdf for the highlights of this project.