
Primary LanguagePython



To run the event_task.py program, first you must install its dependencies. This can be done in a root filesystem with python3.8 installed, or within a virtual environment using virtualenv etc.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run the program it requires several parameters to be passed to it. Information about those commands can be found via python3 ./event_task.py --help

python3 ./event_task.py --client_id abcdefg12345 --pool_id us-east-1:6066528c-abcd-1234-5678-56d2d41afdfe --api https://example.appsync-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/graphql --bucket_path example_bucket/events.csv

A prompt for your Cognito username and password will then be output. Please enter those details to execute the program functionality

Username for Cognito Authentication: test Password for Cognito Authentication

Statistics will be printed to stdout in JSON format Errors will be printed to stderr