
Beginning Sublime Text settings, packages, and themes.

Sublime Starter Settings and Configuration

The Preferences.sublime-settings file is where a user will place all their personal settings to override the Sublime Text defaults. Copying and pasting this Preferences.sublime-settings file into the Sublime settings will provide the Basic Settings below.

For more information, visit the corresponding article.


  1. Install the UbuntuMono.ttf font to your computer
  2. Copy or Move Preferences.sublime-settings into Sublime User folder
    • Copy file contents into: Preferences -> Settings - User
    • Move file into: Preferences -> Browse Packages

Included Settings

  • Change the default font face to Ubuntu Mono
  • Removed code folding buttons (super annoying to accidentally click those)
  • Added rulers at 80 columns (good for programming and keeping code clean and short)
  • Disabled tab completion
  • Enabled Vim mode
  • Disabled slow plugin detection. This would show up when using Emmet or some other autocompletion plugin (may be fixed now)

Uncomment to Enable These Settings

  • Change the theme
  • Opening a file starts in Vim mode

Package Manager Installations

Install these using the Package Manager provided by [Will Bond] (http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control).

Recommended Plugins

  • Git (Read this to get Git working on Sublime Text in Windows)
  • SFTP
  • Alignment
  • Emmet
  • SideBarEnhancements
  • AdvancedNewFile
  • Bracket Highlighter
  • Gist
  • DocBlockr

Recommended Themes

  • Theme - Flatland
  • Theme - Nexus
  • Theme - Nil
  • Theme - Soda

Theme Installation Instructions

Make sure that you install the theme using Package Manager before setting it in the Preferences.sublime-settings

  1. Install using Package Manager

  2. Edit Preferences.sublime-settings

  3. Add this line:

    "theme": "Nexus.sublime-theme"

Color Scheme Instructions

Dayle Rees has some great color schemes to choose from.

  1. Download the theme files you want (.tmTheme)
  2. Move .tmTheme files into Packages/User
  3. Activate using Preferences -> Color Scheme -> User