
An ongoing & curated collection of awesome vulnerability scanning software, libraries and frameworks, best guidelines and technical resources and most important dynamic application security testing (DAST)

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Dynamic Analysis Tools

An ongoing & curated collection of awesome vulnerability scanning software, libraries and frameworks, best guidelines and technical resources and most important dynamic application security testing (DAST)

What is Dynamic Analysis?

Dynamic analysis is the testing and evaluation of an application during runtime.


The primary advantage of dynamic analysis: It reveals subtle defects or vulnerabilities whose cause is too complex to be discovered by static analysis. Dynamic analysis can play a role in security assurance, but its primary goal is finding and debugging errors.


Table of Contents

Show languages

Programming Languages


  • Microsoft IntelliTest — Generate a candidate suite of tests for your .NET code.
  • Pex and Moles — Pex automatically generates test suites with high code coverage using automated white box analysis.


  • CHAP — Analyzes un-instrumented ELF core files for leaks, memory growth, and corruption. It helps explain memory growth, can identify some forms of corruption, and supplements a debugger by giving the status of various memory locations.
  • KLEE — Symbolic virtual machine built on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure.
  • LDRA ©️ — A tool suite including dynamic analysis and test to various standards can ensure test coverage to 100% op-code, branch & decsion coverage.
  • LLVM/Clang Sanitizers
  • tis-interpreter — An interpreter for finding subtle bugs in programs written in standard C.
  • Valgrind — An instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools.


  • CHAP — Analyzes un-instrumented ELF core files for leaks, memory growth, and corruption. It helps explain memory growth, can identify some forms of corruption, and supplements a debugger by giving the status of various memory locations.
  • KLEE — Symbolic virtual machine built on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure.
  • LDRA ©️ — A tool suite including dynamic analysis and test to various standards can ensure test coverage to 100% op-code, branch & decsion coverage.
  • LLVM/Clang Sanitizers
  • tis-interpreter — An interpreter for finding subtle bugs in programs written in standard C.
  • Valgrind — An instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools.


  • Java PathFinder — An extensible software model checking framework for Java bytecode programs.
  • Parasoft Jtest ©️ — Jtest is an automated Java software testing and static analysis product that is made by Parasoft. The product includes technology for Data-flow analysis Unit test-case generation and execution, static analysis, regression testing, code coverage, and runtime error detection.


  • Iroh.js — A dynamic code analysis tool for JavaScript. Iroh allows to record your code flow in realtime, intercept runtime informations and manipulate program behaviour on the fly.
  • Jalangi2 — Jalangi2 is a popular framework for writing dynamic analyses for JavaScript.


  • Enlightn — A static and dynamic analysis tool for Laravel applications that provides recommendations to improve the performance, security and code reliability of Laravel apps. Contains 120 automated checks.


  • CrossHair — Symbolic execution engine for testing Python contracts.
  • icontract — Design-by-contract library supporting behavioral subtyping There is also a wider tooling around the icontract library such as a linter (pyicontract-lint) and a plug-in for Sphinx (sphinx-icontract).
  • Scalene — A high-performance, high-precision CPU and memory profiler for Python
  • typo — Runtime Type Checking for Python 3.


  • suture — A Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code by the result of some old behavior with a new version.


  • loom — Concurrency permutation testing tool for Rust. It runs a test many times, permuting the possible concurrent executions of that test.
  • MIRI — An interpreter for Rust's mid-level intermediate representation, which can detect certain classes of undefined behavior like out-of-bounds memory accesses and use-after-free.
  • puffin — Instrumentation profiler for Rust.
  • stuck — provides a visualization for quickly identifying common bottlenecks in running, asynchronous, and concurrent applications.


  • WhiteHat Sentinel Dynamic ©️ — Part of the WhiteHat Application Security Platform. Dynamic application security scanner that covers the OWASP Top 10.

Visual Basic

  • VB Watch ©️ — Profiler, Protector and Debugger for VB6. Profiler measures performance and test coverage. Protector implements robust error handling. Debugger helps monitor your executables.

Multiple languages

  • Code Pulse — Code Pulse is a free real-time code coverage tool for penetration testing activities by OWASP and Code Dx (GitHub).
  • Gcov — GNU source code coverage program. Code coverage tool and profiling tool which is part of the GCC. Supports C, C++, Fortran.



  • Smartbear ©️ — Test automation and performance testing platform


  • angr — Platform agnostic binary analysis framework from UCSB.
  • BOLT — Binary Optimization and Layout Tool - A linux command-line utility used for optimizing performance of binaries with profile guided permutation of linking to improve cache efficiency
  • Dr. Memory — Dr. Memory is a memory monitoring tool capable of identifying memory-related programming errors (Github).
  • DynamoRIO — Is a runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes.
  • llvm-propeller — Profile guided hot/cold function splitting to improve cache efficiency. An alternative to BOLT by Facebook
  • Pin Tools — A dynamic binary instrumentation tool and a platform for creating analysis tools.
  • TRITON — Dynamic Binary Analysis for x86 binaries.


  • souper — optimize LLVM IR with SMT solvers


  • cadvisor — Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.


  • Enlightn — A static and dynamic analysis tool for Laravel applications that provides recommendations to improve the performance, security and code reliability of Laravel apps. Contains 120 automated checks.


  • AppScan Standard ©️ — HCL's AppScan is a dynamic application security testing suite (previously by IBM).
  • Enlightn — A static and dynamic analysis tool for Laravel applications that provides recommendations to improve the performance, security and code reliability of Laravel apps. Contains 120 automated checks.
  • WebScanner ©️ — WebScanner is a DAST solution for comprehensive security audits of active web applications.
  • WhiteHat Sentinel Dynamic ©️ — Part of the WhiteHat Application Security Platform. Dynamic application security scanner that covers the OWASP Top 10.
  • Full OWASP / Vulnerability Scanners


  • Smartbear ©️ — Test automation and performance testing platform


  • Wasabi — Wasabi is a framework for writing dynamic analyses for WebAssembly, written in JavaScript.


  • WhiteHat Sentinel Dynamic ©️ — Part of the WhiteHat Application Security Platform. Dynamic application security scanner that covers the OWASP Top 10.

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MIT License & cc license

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

To the extent possible under law, Paul Veillard has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.