
Apply Elysian Energy billing model to NEM12 data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Elysian Billing

Analyse NEM12 data to provide billing estimates for Elysian Energy plans

This is a simple Python program to apply Elysian Energy's Sun/Moon electricity billing to NEM12 meter data.

You can request your metering data from your electricity retailer or distributor. You need to have an interval ('smart') reader installed to get the billing data you need; A non-interval meter will not have the timestamped readings that are required.

The actual rates for your plan will vary based on your location. You can specify the various rates using command line arguments

usage: meterread.py [-h] [--sun SUN] [--moon MOON] [--suninc SUNINC]
                    [--mooninc MOONINC] [--feedin FEEDIN] [--plan PLAN]

Process NEM12 using Elysian billing model.

positional arguments:
  NEM12file          NEM12 file to be processed

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --headers          Allow NEM12 files with missing headers
  --sun SUN          "Sun" rate in $/kWh (default $0.22/kWh)
  --moon MOON        "Moon" rate in $/kWh (default $0.11/kWh)
  --suninc SUNINC    Included "Sun" kWh (default 150kWh)
  --mooninc MOONINC  Included "Moon" kWh (default 100kWh)
  --feedin FEEDIN    Feed in rate c/kWh (default $0.09c/kWh)
  --plan PLAN        Monthly plan cost (default $80)

The output is data for each month in the meter data plus the total cost for the entire data set.

Note that the program works on calendar months; Your electricity bills probably dont align with calendar months, so you will need to take this into account when comparing the output of this program with your bills.