
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

GGQR (Generalized Gaussian Quadrature Rules)

This project was created in the context of my bachelor thesis in Mathematics. The results were calculated with the GNU MP Bignum Library.


In this console application, we consider the problem of a Gaussian quadrature rule on [a,b] for integrands with a singularity in the endpoint a. This rule consists of quadrature points in the given interval and associated weights that are strictly positive.

Getting Started


GGQR only uses the external library GNU MPFR Library which is based on the GNU MP Bignum Library. Please install these two libraries in order to compile GGQR successfully.


The project contains the makefile, I was able to compile the project with. Please adapt the paths to GMP and MPFR in the makefile to your installation locations.

Built With

To Do

  • Add comments to the project
  • Increase performance on mpfr_class
  • Extend mpfr_vector, mpfr_matrix, mpfr_polynomial


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.