
ShellBASIC "bin" are CAP ONLY shell commands, POSIX compatible, ANSI BASIC. Some need framebuffer access.

Primary LanguageShell


Capitalised BASIC commmands wriiten in posix compatible shell scripts, suitible for use in shell environments, scripts and as extensions to BAS v2.4+


Place these in a folder in your $PATH. I put them in ~/bin (users home directory) for development purposes and link them all to /BASIC which is in my $PATH. They are eventually intended to be a standalone shell environment, hence /BASIC which has read and execute privaledges for all users. They come with some folders, including /BASIC/HELP too.

Some scripts may only work as expected in interactive mode in a shell.


A simple way to extend BAS-2.5 via the SHELL statement, and to proto-type extensions, like MSX-BASIC PSET & PRESET, APPLESOFT BASIC HCOLOR & HPLOT, Amstrad Locomotive BASIC PEN, PAPER & PLOT. To be further developed into C/C++ programs that do the same (mostly for speed and lower resource usage), or absorbed into BAS-2.5-pw when the infrastructure supports them (graphics, sound, etc).