
Demonstrates the issue described at https://github.com/ipetkov/crane/issues/207

Primary LanguageNix

Crane Wasm issue

Demonstrates the issue described at ipetkov/crane#207

UPDATE: building with --lib (or --bin) fixes the issue. Without those flags, only the dependencies are built (foo-deps).

This branch builds a [lib] since that has been working using naersk for some time.

Renaming lib.rs to main.rs, adding fn main() {}, and building a [[bin]] would also be acceptable but that doesn't work using crane either. See the bin branch.



nix build .#with-naersk and nix build .#with-crane


cargo build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown and cargo test within the dev shell.



nix build .#with-naersk -L
foo> wasm-objdump --section=Export --details:
foo> foo.wasm:  file format wasm 0x1
foo> Section Details:
foo> Export[8]:
foo>  - memory[0] -> "memory"
foo>  - func[31] <canister_init> -> "canister_init"
foo>  - func[32] <canister_post_upgrade> -> "canister_post_upgrade"
foo>  - func[33] <canister_pre_upgrade> -> "canister_pre_upgrade"
foo>  - func[34] <canister_query some_query> -> "canister_query some_query"
foo>  - func[35] <canister_update some_update> -> "canister_update some_update"
foo>  - global[1] -> "__data_end"
foo>  - global[2] -> "__heap_base"


nix build .#with-crane -L
foo-deps> wasm-objdump --section=Export --details:
foo-deps> foo.wasm:     file format wasm 0x1
foo-deps> Section Details:
foo-deps> Export[3]:
foo-deps>  - memory[0] -> "memory"
foo-deps>  - global[1] -> "__data_end"
foo-deps>  - global[2] -> "__heap_base"