
Arbitrary precision numbers for PureScript

Primary LanguagePureScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A library for calculations with arbitrary precision numbers. This is a simple wrapper around decimal.js.

Module documentation


> let x = fromMaybe zero (fromString "12345.67898765432123456789")
> let y = fromInt 100000
> x + y
(fromString "112345.67898765432123456789")

> toString (x `pow` y)

> let two = fromNumber 2.0
> sin (pi / two)
(fromString "1")

Installation and usage

You can install this package via Bower. You will also need decimal.js, which can be installed via npm:

bower install purescript-decimals
npm install

For the browser, remember to bundle decimal.js with your code.

Check the package.json file for the supported versions of decimal.json.


bower install
npm install

Then, use pulp to build and run tests.