
Automatically delete +1 comments on GitHub issues

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

vote knope

Vote knope solves the plague of +1 comments on GitHub issues.


Host vote-knope locally, or remotely:

Local usage (for testing)

make setup

# You also need to add this on the webhook on github
openssl rand -hex 32 | pbcopy
export hook_secret=`pbpaste`
export github_user=<USER>
export github_pass=<PASS>
make verify # Check to make sure your env is correct
make serve

# In a different window
make ngrok

Heroku usage

# Generate a secret for use with the webhook
openssl rand -hex 32 | pbcopy

# Export these env vars on Heroku

Add GitHub webhook

Setup your webhook on GitHub. Be sure to use the secret you created above otherwise the requests will be ignored. Also be sure to only send the "Issue comment" webhook event.