
Can you guess which movie a soundclip belongs to?

Primary LanguageC#


Can you guess which movie a soundclip belongs to?

Requires a bunch of sound clips and a quiz.json file in the same directory as the MovieQuiz.exe file that looks like this:

    "SoundDirectory" : "Sounds",
    "HighscoreDatabase" : "highscores.sqlite",
    "MaxQuestions": 10,
    "TimeoutSeconds": 20,
    "Questions": [
            "SoundFile": "1.mp3",
            "CorrectAnswer": "The Expendables 1",
            "WrongAnswers": [
                "The Expendables 2",
                "The Expendables 3"

Highscores are saved in a SQLite database file, which will automatically be created. To reset scores, just delete or rename the database file.

Have a look at the releases page to download a complete quiz.