
Repository for the article https://sgibala.com/01-01-rust-api-with-warp-and-diesel/

Primary LanguageRust

Rust web API with Warp and Diesel

Simple web API written in Rust with Warp as a web framework and Diesel for database connection.

This is the repository for the blog post.



The application needs a running Postgres database. Use local Postgres or run it in a Docker container:

docker run -p 5432:5432 --rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres:12

When the database is running make sure its connection string matches the one in .env file.

Use Diesel CLI to setup database and run migrations:

diesel database setup


Before starting the application set DATABASE_URL environment variable. If the database connection string matches the one in .env file, run:

export $(cat .env | xargs)

Run application with cargo:

cargo run