
Convert svg text element to path

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Svg text to path

NPM version Downloads License

Convert svg nodes to vector font-free elements.


  • supports <tspan>;
  • supports multiple values of attributes x, y, dx, dy;
  • supports CSS text-anchor and dominant-baseline properties;
  • supports textLength and lengthAdjust;
  • supports css units (em, rem, %, mm, cm, in, pt, pc, ...);
  • supports variable fonts (include custom axis via font-variation-settings);
  • supports open type features via css font-feature-settings (liga, smcp and another)
  • supports otf/ttf/woff/woff2 fonts;
  • integrated with Google Fonts;
  • supports various font sources: config, @font-face, directory, http-repository or your own handler;
  • supports nodejs and browser runtime;
  • detailed statistics.



Install in project:

npm i svg-text-to-path --save

Install globally (i. e. using CLI-interface from anywhere):

npm i -g svg-text-to-path


Command line

svg-text-to-path [options] [input file]

Support pipes:

cat in.svg | svg-text-to-path [options] >out.svg

You can see the list of options by typing:

svg-text-to-path --help


Import required class from library:

import Session from 'svg-text-to-path';

let session = new Session(svg, {
  googleApiKey: '...',
let stat = await session.replaceAll();
let out  = session.getSvgString();

Or include dist/svg-text-to-path-fontkit.js and use window.SvgTextToPath object:

let session = new SvgTextToPath(document.querySelector('svg'), {
  googleApiKey: '...',
let stat = await session.replaceAll();


Start server:

svg-text-to-path-server [configFile]

Config file is the same as for the cli.

Post svg-file to http://{host}:{port}/?params, get processed svg in response body. Statistics in X-Svg-Text-To-Path header (if stat parameter enabled). Default port: 10000.

Curl example:

curl --header "Content-Type: image/svg+xml" \
  --request POST \
  --data-binary "@input.svg" \


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