Dongs n Stars

This application is a tracker for dong points (when someone does something stupid) and rockstar nominations (when someone does something noteworthy)

seting up dev environment

  1. Download the repo and run npm install
  2. create a .env file in the root directory with the following paramters
  1. Ensure you have a mailgun account and fill in values accordingly
  2. MongoDB connection string can be local or hosted (e.x. mongolab)
  3. Token Secret should be a strongly generated alpha-numeric string
  4. Ensure gulp is install globally (possibly other dependencies if running throws dependency errors)


Run npm build of gulp build to build one JS application file and another JS template file in public/js Run either 'npm start


  1. Build - npm build
  2. Start server - npm
  3. Watch file changes - npm watch

For use in visual studio code:

  1. Create a standard launch.json run file py pressing F5 and chooseing Node.js
  2. Create a new task ctrl+shift+p and type task and choose configure task runner. Se sample below
  3. Run server with F5 and then run watch task with ctrl+shift+p and type task and choose run task and choose default
  4. This should open up browser window with brosersync that will refresh with any front-end changes. For backend changes, you will have to restart the server.


  // See
  // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "command": "gulp",
  "isShellCommand": true,
  "args": ["--no-color"],
  "showOutput": "always",
  "tasks": [
      "taskName": "default",
      "args": [],
      "isBuildCommand": true,
      "isWatching": true


only Heroku instructions included

  1. Create a heroku application
  2. Set global variables on heroku using CLI or the web console.
  1. Follow Heroku instructions here for setting a remote
  2. ansure any changes made are added/committed to git
  3. run git push heroku master to deploy
  4. ENJOY!