Salesforce Outbound Message Listener

Application inspired from this blog post

Simple node.js application for catching Outbound Messages sent from Salesforce.

Outbound messages are sent in XML so this will catch the message and convert the XML to an object that can easily be worked with keys for the JSON object are modified to remove 'sf:' prefix from all keys.

Sample processed data

{ organizationId: '00DG0000000glAcXXX',
  actionId: '04kG0000000I3EwYYY',
  sessionId: '00DG0000000lgAc!AQ8AQEzUJm1i4D1FRCQELTogBXnHojuT3U0Be9BWM0',
  enterpriseUrl: '',
  partnerUrl: '',
  notificationId: '04lG000000SXaX6XXX',
  type: 'Contact',
  fields: { id: '003G00000297TpXXXX', mobilephone: '(111) 111-1111' } }


Clone the repository

If desired, create a mongolab account to capture and log the messages in and out.

Running locally or in a non-Heroku environment: Create file named .env and add the db connection string, for example:


For Heroku, run the following heroku config:set MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb://

From the command line type:

npm install # install dependencies
npm start # start the server locally
npm test # run all tests, server must be running

To deploy on heroku (assuming all heroku endpoints and config has been done):

git add . -A
git commit -am "some comit message"
git push heroku master
heroku logs -t # this will show console log messages

The salesforce endpoint should be configured to <heroku url here>/sfdc/obm initially unless additional routes are added.

To implement additional actions, modify the routes to the desired endpoints and add controller functions to /server/controllers/sfdcControllers.js (or make your own controllers if needed)
