Can be used for framebuffer splash screens for TV-sets or IPTV/hybrid STBs.
How to build:
or something like
make CROSS=sh4-linux-
for targetted builds
--help, -h Short description.
--usage The same.
--verbose, -v Detailed output.
--input, -i Source PNG file, required parameter.
--output, -o Destination file. Default is stdout.
--height Output width and height. Default values will be taken from source PNG.
--valign [top|center|bottom] Vertical
--halign [left|center|right] and horisontal alignment rules.
--color Background color in HEX RGB. Like 0xff0000 for red.
If source image less then destination output, free space will be filled with specified color.
suppose we have logo.png 400x400. Then command
png2fb --input logo.png --output logo.fb --width 1280 --height 720
--valign center --halign center --color 0x00ff00
will create file "logo.fb" wich can be showed on TV screen with resolution 720p
by command
cat logo.fb > /dev/fb0
Destination image will be contain initial "logo.png" centered vertically and horisontally, and free space will be filled green.
suppose we have logo.png 1920x1080. Then the same command will create "logo.fb" for 720p-resoluted framebuffer with a vertically and horisontally centered part of initial image. No scale and background color of course will be ignored.
License: GPLv3