Hi there! I'm an experienced product developer with a proven track record of working in an IT enterprise. Proficient in designing/developing micro services.
Pinned Repositories
** Layered Architecture ** This Project is intended to give you all the Starter features for any Product which you develop. Some of the features are SignIn, SignUp, 2Factor Authentication using GAuth, Change Password, Reset Password, Email Verification, QR Generation, PM2 Based Application, Log Rotation and other, More to add. All the features will be coded in the future will be listed. This will be your goto Starter Application for your next product. Cheers!
sample rasa bot framework projects
Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth":
The official home of the Presto distributed SQL query engine for big data
** Layered Architecture ** This Project is intended to give you all the Starter features for any Product which you develop. Some of the features are SignIn, SignUp, 2Factor Authentication using GAuth, Change Password, Reset Password, Email Verification, QR Generation, PM2 Based Application, Log Rotation and other, More to add. All the features will be coded in the future will be listed. This will be your goto Starter Application for your next product. Cheers!
pavakalyankillari's Repositories
Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth":
sample rasa bot framework projects
** Layered Architecture ** This Project is intended to give you all the Starter features for any Product which you develop. Some of the features are SignIn, SignUp, 2Factor Authentication using GAuth, Change Password, Reset Password, Email Verification, QR Generation, PM2 Based Application, Log Rotation and other, More to add. All the features will be coded in the future will be listed. This will be your goto Starter Application for your next product. Cheers!