This repo is for

  1. Scraping content on IMDB website
  2. REST API for content of IMDB
    a) Static data - hosted on MongoDB
    b) Dynamic data - scraping from Imdb on Request

Link for API and documentation:

Download Content
Image downloader
Video downloader
Pages dowloader
Reviews downloader
Tv series dowloader
movie dowloader

Reviews downloader

  1. Download all Reviews of Movie/Tv Series by Imdbd ID

Image downloader

  1. Download Images by Imdbd ID
  2. Download All Images of movie/Tv by Imdbd ID

Videos downloader

  1. Download videos by Imdbd ID
  2. Download all videos of movie by Imdbd ID

Movie data downloader

  1. Download Movie data by list of Imdbd IDs from csv file
  2. Download Movie data from list of csv files placed in a folder.

Tv series downloader

  1. Download Tv series data by Imdbd ID

Page downloader

  1. Download all Imdbd IDs by search list url
  2. Download all movie data by search list url

Movie Data API

id --> ImdbId Example - tt4154796 lan --> telugu,tamil,upcoming

Endpoint                     Methods  Rule
---------------------------  -------  --------------------------------------
home                         GET      /
ScrapMovieNow                GET      /api/livescraper/movie/<id>
SearchById                   GET      /api/imdbid/<id>
SearchImagesById             GET      /api/images/<id>
genre                        GET      /api/genre/<genre>
movie                        GET      /api/movie/<movie>
scrapeReviewsNow             GET      /api/livescraper/reviews/<id>
scrapeReviewsNowAndDownload  GET      /api/livescraper/download/reviews/<id>
scrapeSearchByTitle          GET      /api/livescraper/title/<title>
scrapeTvshow                 GET      /api/livescraper/tv/<id>
scrapeTvshowAndDownload      GET      /api/livescraper/download/tv/<id>
trendingIndia                GET      /api/livescraper/trendingIndia/<lan>