Mini Project for the subject distributed databases. Connects to an Oracle database. Built on Angular 2 using the seed repository found here
- node.js with versions as mentioned in the seed repository
- Any other requirements mentioned in the seed repository
- Oracle 11g Enterprise or Express edition with the database ready in it
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Setting up node packages
cd ddb-miniproject/
npm install
- Run the project on
npm start
- Build project
npm run # The output is built into dist/webpack/
After building, the output folder(dist/webpack/) can be uploaded to the servers where the server would be spun on the output folder.
The project can be deployed as a desktop application working on Windows, Linux or macOS
npm run start.desktop
npm run build.desktop.linux #Linux build
npm run build.desktop.mac #macOS build
npm run #Windows build
The output is saved inside desktop directory in the project's root as a zip file which can be immediately unzipped and run in the respective OS