
Official implementation of Stitched Image Quality evaluator (SIQE)

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This is the MATLAB implementation of Stiched Image Quality Evaluator (SIQE) presented in the paper:

P. C. Madhusudana and R. Soundararajan, "Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Stitched Images for Virtual Reality," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 5620-5635, Nov 2019

Running on MATLAB

example.m file contains an example implementation of SIQE for the images present in the 'images' folder.


  • MATLAB Pyramid toolbox (can be downloaded from HERE)
  • LIBSVM Package (can be downloaded from HERE)

Note on training - This release version of SIQE was trained on the entire ISIQA database.

Kindly contact Pavan (pavan.madhusudana@gmail.com) if you have any questions, suggestions or corrections to the above implementation.

You can change this program as you like and use it anywhere, but please refer to its original source (cite our paper mentioned above).


  author={Madhusudana, Pavan Chennagiri and Soundararajan, Rajiv},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, 
  title={Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Stitched Images for Virtual Reality}, 