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ProGrad Lab | Bucket List

A Quick Introduction

Time to make your travel bucket list. Go ahead & follow the progressions to finish this up.

What should you do

Fork this repo
Clone this repo
Practice Java basics - operators, conditions, loops, class and object

How To Submit

Upon completion, run the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "ProGrad ID"
git push origin master

And finally, create a pull request so your ProGrad Mentor (PM) can review your work.


  1. Do not modify the entire code.
  2. Edit the code as per the instructions.
  3. Go to Java Resources -> src folder.
  4. You will have 3 packages src/controller,src/model and src/utility.
  5. Once the progressions are completed, follow the instructions to run the application and test your code.


  1. Right click on your project and then run as - Junit.

Run the Project

  1. Right click on the project.
  2. Go to Run as -> Run on server.
  3. You can check the output in eclipse browser or in your browser.

Input Format

  1. There are three stages
  2. In stage - 1, there are 3 String inputs.
  3. In stage - 2, there are 3 String inputs.
  4. In stage - 3, there are 3 String inputs.

Output Format

1 Set of list,set and map operations on the list.

Progression - 1

  1. Create a class called TouristPlace inside model package.
  2. Include appropriate getters and setters
  3. Include 3 argument constructor. The order in which the arguments are passed is name, destination and rank of type String.

Progression - 2

  1. Create a class called ListOperations inside service package with the following methods.
    • public List add(TouristPlace places)
    • public List remove(TouristPlace places)
    • public Object sortByDestination(List places)
    • public Object sortByRank(List places)
    • public Object reset(List places)
  2. Use lamda operations to sort.
  3. The return type of all the methods are list.

Progression - 3

  1. Create a class called MapOperations inside service package with the following methods.
    • public Map add(TouristPlace places)
    • public Map sortRandomly(TouristPlace places)
    • public Map sortInEntryOrder(HashMap places)
    • public Map sortAlphabetically(HashMap places)
    • public Object reset(HashMap places)
    • public HashMap remove(TouristPlace places)
  2. Use lamda operations to sort.
  3. The return type of all the methods are map.

Progression - 4

  1. Create a class called SetOperations inside service package with the following methods.
    • public HashSet add(TouristPlace places)
    • public HashSet remove(TouristPlace places)
    • public Object sortByDestination(HashSet places)
    • public Object sortByRank(HashSet places)
    • public Object reset(HashSet places)
  2. Use lamda operations to sort.
  3. The return type of all the methods are set.

Happy Coding ProGrad ❤️