
Synchronous and Asynchronous Data access using ThreadPoolExecutor and Spring Boot, Spring Data

Primary LanguageJava

Synchronous and Asynchronous Data access using ThreadPoolExecutor and Spring Boot, Spring Data

Synchronous and Asynchronous Data access using ThreadPoolExecutor and Spring Boot, Spring Data

How to run?

  1. Create threadpooldemo database in MySql database
  2. Run the project and it will create Employee table and also inserts data using following commands
INSERT INTO `threadpooldemo`.`employee` (`id`, `email`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `phone`) VALUES ('1', 'john.doe@hj.com', 'John', 'Doe', '233323');
INSERT INTO `threadpooldemo`.`employee` (`id`, `email`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `phone`) VALUES ('2', 'jack@hj.com', 'Jack', 'Doe', '09094044');

3.Go to http://localhost:8080/api/v1/employee/list to see all categories


See this Medium for details