
Sample on React's new Context API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a sample on :- react 16.3 Context-API.

context API is similar to redux. It stores data in provider and we can access that data in the subcomponents.

Context API is having :

  1. Provider : Where the data lives
  2. Consumer : where we can access the data

First we will make a new context by using

eg: const MyContext = React.createContext();

Create a provider component to store data

eg: class MyProvider extends Component {
        name:"Pavan kumar Dasireddy"
      render() {
        return (
          <MyContext.Provider value={{

We should wrap our component inside of the MyProvider

eg: <MyProvider>
        <p>Hey! I'm App</p>

The child of a consumer will always be a function.

eg: <MyContext.Consumer>
      {(value)=> (
        <p>Im {value.state.name}</p>

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