
An android application that gives you information on the current people who have taken offices at different levels based on the location searched by the user

Primary LanguageJava

Your Leader

An android application that gives you information on the current people who have taken offices at different levels based on the location searched by the user


  • Location Services
  • Internet
  • Google APIs
  • Images
  • Picasso Library
  • Implicit Intents
  • TextView Links

Application Highlights

  • This app will acquire and display an interactive list of political officials that represent the current location (or any specified location) at each level of government.
  • Android location services will be used to determine the user’s location
  • The Google Civic Information API will be used to acquire the government official data (via REST service and JSON results)
  • Uses different layout for landscape orientation for 2 of the activities in this application
  • Clicking on an official’s list entry opens a detailed view of that individual government representative
  • An “About” activity will show application information (Author, Copyright data & Version)
  • The application is made up of 4 activities
    • Main Activity
    • Official Activity
    • Photo Detail Activity
    • About Activity