
A Diffbot API client for Perl

Primary LanguagePerl

Diffbot API Perl Client


This module provides a Perl client for the diffbot REST API.

Details of the REST API can be found here : http://www.diffbot.com/.

You will need a token from diffbot to use their service.


The following are the environment prerequisites:

You will need make installed in your environment.

In debian based systems (e.g., ubuntu, mint, etc):
sudo apt-get install build-essential

You will need to install some perl dependancies:

cpan install LWP::UserAgent Data::Dump JSON Test::Deep Test::Exception Test::Fake::HTTPD Getopt::Long

Ok, now you can install the actual module after downloading and extracting:

tar xzvf Diffbot-Client-0.01.tar.gz
cd Diffbot-Client-0.01
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install


This module contains built in documentation that is browsable once the module is installed.

To view the documentation after installation via manpages:

man Diffbot::Client

To view the documentation after installation via perldoc:

perldoc Diffbot::Client


Make Diffbot fetch and analyze content using the article, frontpage, product, and image API

Once you have received a token from The Diffbot, you begin using the client module by instantiatng it:

use Diffbot::Client
my $client = Diffbot::Client->new({ token => '123456789' });

If you need manipuate the WWW Client config you can provide your own instantiated LWP::UserAgent:

use Diffbot::Client;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'Custom UserAgent!!' );
my $client = Diffbot::Client->new({ token => '123456789', ua => $ua });

Now all you have to do is begin calling sub routines to get results!

To submit a URL to the article API make the following request :

my $response = $client->article({ url => 'http://analyzethis.com' });

This simpler parameter syntax works too:

my $response = $client->article('http://analyzethis.com');

To submit a URL to the classifier (aka analyze) API make the following request :

my $response = $client->analyze({ url => 'http://analyzethis.com' });

Similarly, to use the other APIs make requests like this:

$response = $client->frontpage({ url => 'http://analyzethis.com' });
$response = $client->product({ url => 'http://analyzethis.com' });
$response = $client->image({ url => 'http://analyzethis.com' });

If you want to extract key values out of the response, do so like this:

print $response->{title};

If you want to see the full Diffbot response in all of it's glory do this:

use Data::Dump qw(dump);
print dump($response); #wowsa thats a lotta data!

If you want to control the timeout behaviour and the fields returned, make a request like this:

my $response = $client->article({ 
    url => 'http://analyzethis.com',
    timeout => 30000, 
    fields => 'title,link,text'

Here is an alternate syntax for making the same request:

my $response = $client->query({
    request_type => 'article',
    query_args => { 
        url => 'http://analyzethis.com',
        timeout => 30000, 
        fields => 'title,link,text'

If something is going wrong and you want to get a better look at the full HTTP request and response make a request like this:

use Data::Dump qw(dump)

#$response is no the HTTP::Response object
my $response = $client->query({
    request_type => 'article',
    query_args => { url => 'http://analyzethis.com', },
    return_http_response => 1 

print $response->status_line

Submit content to Diffbot for analysis

If you want to submit local content to diffbot make a request like this:

my $response = $client->article({ 
    url => 'http://analyzethis.com',
    content => $local_html_content

This alternative syntax for submitting content to analyze works too:

my $response = $client->query({
    request_type => 'article',
    query_args => { 
        url     => 'http://analyzethis.com',
        content => $local_html_content

Note that not all of the diffbot APIs support submitting local content for analysis. See the diffbot API docs for more details.


See the built in docs for up to date exception listing and description. But given we are using Perl, it's easy! Just eval everything:

my $response;
eval {
    $response = $client->article({ url => 'http://analyzethis.com' });
if ($@) {
    print "Something went wrong: $@";

Can I havez some example code ?

The module ships with a fully functional script that uses the module, called query_diffbot.pl Run the following command to get up to date usage instructions:

perl bin/query_diffbot.pl --help

-Initial commit by Kyle Zeeuwen-