Learn OWASP Top 10 by Exploit

Learning Security made easy. OWASP Top 10s are delibarately coded to insecure. Come, Hack & learn!!

Note: This is a beta project and is under development.

OWASP Top 10 2013

Skill set requirement

  • Basics of php & mysql
  • A minimal understanding on how web works.
  • Die hard Passion to learn and explore more in w3b security.


  • A php server, preferrably XAMPP or MAMP. The code is tested on MAMP.
  • A mysql database server, comes built-in with XAMPP or MAMP. The code is tested on mysql of MAMP.


  • Copy the files to your host web directory. If MAMP, MAMP_folder/htdocs/
  • Run or import the /learn-by-exploit/2013-web-php/config/db.sql into your mysql database manually or through phpmyadmin
  • Update /learn-by-exploit/2013-web-php/config/database.php to correct db details.
  • That's all! Hit your browser to http://localhost/learn-by-exploit/ if apache is running on port 80.

Feel free to get back if any questions.

With lots of love, pavanw3b