
This repo contains backend for an online supermarket built using Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A web based application for an online supermart. This repository contains backend for this application built using Spring Boot.

User Management

  • A user can be admin, manager or customer
  • Admin is the super user with all permissions.
  • Users (customer, admin and manager) will have information such as user name, user id etc.
  • id (unique across the system), phone number, and email id, and address.
  • An existing user should log into the system with user id and password.
  • New customers are permitted to register.
  • Manager/admin can add or delete items, modify details about the items (price/qty/offers etc.)
  • A user can withdraw from the Application.
  • Password change (reset) facility is provided.

Admin/Manager Publishing Item Details

  • Manager or admin users should be allowed to publish the details of the items made available for sale. Details needed are item_name, item_code, price, offer if any, qty available, delivery time etc.
  • A manager or admin can delete the published item whenever required.

Customer Order Management

  • A customer should be allowed to view/search the items published/available for sale.
  • Select items to the cart.
  • Customers can register and order items.
  • Confirm order and make payment
  • User should get a confirmation message with expected delivery date.
  • User will have a Wallet from where payments will be made, and user can top-up the wallet if necessary. But at the time of registration must start with minimum of 1000/-.
  • User can add review about the website.

Other Functionality

  • Admin user should be able to generate reports like – items sold on a date, customer order details(summary) for a month, item stock status etc.
  • Any user can generate his/her order history (summary) for a given month.

API Reference

Admin Endpoints

  POST /admin/getAdmin
  POST /admin/add
  GET /admin/allCustomers
  DELETE /admin/deleteCustomer
  GET /admin/getCustomer
  GET /admin/customerHistory
  POST /admin/addManager
  GET /admin/allManagers
  GET /admin/getManager
  POST /admin/updateManager
  GET /admin/allProducts
  DELETE /admin/deleteManager
  DELETE /admin/deleteProduct
  GET /admin/getProduct
  POST /admin/updateProduct
  GET /admin/monthlyReport
  GET /admin/totalRevenue
  GET /admin/monthlyRevenue
  GET /admin/orders

Manager Endpoints

  POST /manager/addProduct
  POST /manager/updateProduct
  DELETE /manager/deleteProduct
  GET /manager/getAllProducts
  GET /manager/getProduct
  GET /manager/getbyPrice

Customer Endpoints

  POST /customer/add
  GET /customer/getAll
  DELETE /customer/deleteOne
  POST /customer/getCustomer
  POST /customer/update
  POST /customer/addCredit
  POST /customer/history
  POST /customer/placeOrder
  POST /customer/forgotPassword
  POST /customer/sendOTP
  POST /customer/reset
  POST /customer/verify
  POST /customer/getCart
  DELETE /customer/deleteCart
  POST /customer/setCart
  POST /customer/deleteCartOne
  POST /customer/sendOrder
  POST /customer/addReview

Login Endpoints

  POST /login/auth/customer
  GET /login/auth/manager
  GET /login/auth/admin
  POST /login/auth/customer/getID
  POST /login/auth/admin/getID

Product Endpoints

  POST /product/add
  GET /product/getAll
  GET /product/getName
  DELETE /product/deleteOne
  GET /product/getProduct
  POST /product/update
  POST /product/changePrice
  GET /product/getbyPrice

Run Locally

  1. clone this git repo
  2. install java and mysql database into your system
  3. cd to resources
  4. create application.properties file in this dir
  5. you can use MySQL Workbench gui for database or cli
  6. now fill in the following lines
  • server configuration


    set the port to any port number which is currently not being used by any other application.

  • mysql configuration


    set spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update to update the jpa repo

    put database connection string in spring.datasource.url which will be of the format jdbc:mysql://${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/${DB_NAME}

    set username and password for your database connection, which can be set while establishing the connection from mysql workbench

    set spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

  • email configuration


    set host=smtp.gmail.com for setting gmail.com as default service

    set port=587

    put username and password for the email account you want to use as admin account for this app, all emails will be sent from this email id

    configure these lines

  1. Run DemoApplication.java file to start the JVM
  2. Once backend server starts apis can be accessed through${port}/

Tech Stack

  • Spring Boot
  • MySQL
  • JPA
  • Spring Mail
  • JWT

Link to Frontend Repo