Cubecell Lorawan Weather Station



I'm using the Heltec Cubecell AB-02 Microcontroller. It is fantastic for outdoor Lorawan projects as it consumes only 10uA when it sleeps and comes out-of-the-box with a solar-charging capability. It also has a build in mechanism (High-Side Mosfet Switch) to turn the power-line to the sensors on and off.


This project uses the following sensors:

Javascript Uplink Decoding

 function parse(payloadHex, port) {

      function hexToBytes(hex) {
          for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2)
              bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16));
          return bytes;

      function calculateDewPoint(temperature, humidity) {
          // Constants for the Magnus-Tetens approximation
          const a = 17.27;
          const b = 237.7;

          // Calculate alpha
          const alpha = ((a * temperature) / (b + temperature)) + Math.log(humidity / 100);

          // Calculate the dew point
          let dewPoint = (b * alpha) / (a - alpha);

          // Round to two decimal places
          dewPoint = Math.round(dewPoint * 100) / 100;

          return dewPoint;

      var bytes = hexToBytes(payloadHex);
      let msg = {};
      msg.counter = (bytes[0] << 8) | bytes[1];
      msg.batteryVoltage = (bytes[2] << 8) | bytes[3];
      msg.temperature = (bytes[4] << 24 >> 16 | bytes[5]) / 100;  // signed
      msg.humidity = ((bytes[6] << 8) | bytes[7]) / 100;
      msg.distance = (bytes[8] << 8) | bytes[9];
      msg.windVoltage = (bytes[10] << 24 >> 16 | bytes[11]); // signed
      msg.windVoltageMax = (bytes[12] << 24 >> 16 | bytes[13]); // signed
      msg.rainEventCounter = (bytes[14] << 8) | bytes[15];
      msg.rainAcc = ((bytes[16] << 8) | bytes[17]) / 100;
      msg.rainEventAcc = ((bytes[18] << 8) | bytes[19]) / 100;
      msg.rainTotalAcc = ((bytes[20] << 8) | bytes[21]) / 100;
      msg.rainRInt = ((bytes[22] << 8) | bytes[23]) / 100;
      msg.rainSerialCode = bytes[24];
      msg.rainLastDetection = (((bytes[25] << 24) | (bytes[26] << 16) | (bytes[27] << 8) | bytes[28]));
      msg.windDirection = bytes[29];
      msg.temperature2 = (bytes[30] << 24 >> 16 | bytes[31]) / 100;  // signed
      msg.humidity2 = ((bytes[32] << 8) | bytes[33]) / 100;
      msg.pressure = ((bytes[34] << 24) | (bytes[35] << 16) | (bytes[36] << 8) | bytes[37]) / 100;
      msg.dewPoint = calculateDewPoint(msg.temperature, msg.humidity);
      return msg;

Downlink Commands

Important: Send Payload withouth the '0x' prefix.

Port Command Payload Examples
4 Set the Duty Cycle Time [seconds] 0x003C -> every 1 minute
0x0078 -> every 2 minutes
0x012C -> every 5 minutes
0x0258 -> every 10 minutes
0x0384 -> every 15 minutes
0x04B0 -> every 20 minutes
5 Turn the RGB Light on/off 0x1111 -> turn the light on
0x0000 -> turn the light off
6 Send a Serial-Command to the Rain Sensor 0x006B -> send the 'k' command
7 Set the background measurements interval time [seconds] 0x001E -> every 30 seconds
0x003C -> every 1 minute
0x0078 -> every 2 minutes
9 Restart the Microcontroller -