
Collects website availability metrics and sends them into Kafka

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status codecov Codacy Badge Updates Code style: black

Is a microservice designed to monitor website availability. It collects availability metrics with configurable interval and writes them into Apache Kafka for subsequent processing.


Run the following commands:

$ make build
$ pip install dist/pagemonitor-*-py3-none-any.whl


Configuration is provided via environment variables. It contains good defaults to start experimenting with. It is possible to override defaults either directly (e.g. export PAGEMON_PING_INTERVAL=30) or via a file:

$ cat > pagemon.cfg <<EOF
$ source pagemon.cfg
Environment variable Parameter Description Default
PAGEMON_URL page_url Webpage URL to monitor ""
PAGEMON_PING_INTERVAL ping_interval How often webpage gets scraped (seconds) 10
PAGEMON_CONNECT_TIMEOUT conn_timeout Number of seconds to wait to establish a connection to a remote machine 4
PAGEMON_READ_TIMEOUT read_timeout Number of seconds the client will wait for the server to send a response 3
PAGEMON_BACKOFF_RETRIES backoff_retries Number of retries for exponential backoff (to handle connectivity issues) 10
PAGEMON_BROKER_LIST kafka_broker_list Initial list of brokers as host:port (comma delimited) localhost:9092,
PAGEMON_KAFKA_TOPIC kafka_topic Kafka topic name to send monitoring data pagemonitor_metrics
PAGEMON_PRODUCER_RETRIES producer_retries How many times to retry sending a failing Message to Kafka 3
PAGEMON_ENABLE_CERT_AUTH kafka_enable_cert_auth Enable SSL mode for communication with Kafka False
PAGEMON_SSL_CA kafka_ssl_ca Path to CA file /etc/pagemon/ssl/ca.pem
PAGEMON_SSL_CERT kafka_ssl_cert Path to certificate file /etc/pagemon/ssl/service.cert
PAGEMON_SSL_KEY kafka_ssl_key Path to key file /etc/pagemon/ssl/service.key


After installation pagemon executable should be available in your $PATH. Provide a desired config and start the service:

$ pagemon
{"bin": "/Users/me/.pyenv/versions/playground-py38/bin/pagemon", "version": "0.1.0", "config": {"page_url": "https://httpbin.org", "ping_interval": 5.0, "conn_timeout": 4.0, "read_timeout": 3.0, "backoff_retries": 10, "kafka_broker_list": "localhost:9092,", "kafka_topic": "pagemonitor_metrics", "producer_retries": 3, "kafka_enable_cert_auth": false, "kafka_ssl_ca": "PosixPath('/etc/pagemon/ssl/ca.pem')", "kafka_ssl_cert": "PosixPath('/etc/pagemon/ssl/service.cert')", "kafka_ssl_key": "PosixPath('/etc/pagemon/ssl/service.key')"}}


Clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:pavdmyt/pagemonitor.git

Install dev dependencies:

$ poetry install

# if you don't have poetry installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Lint, format, isort code:

$ make lint
$ make fmt
$ make isort

Run tests:

$ make test


$ make build


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request
  6. Make sure tests are passing