run and play this online in browser: Applications Need click to focus and start audio.
TjurmitsHQ.htm another app with DatGUI
gallery.htm some experiments and good-looking (yellow) or good sounding (blue mark) ants
p5js.htm another app with DatGUI
p5js_webGL.htm another app with DatGUI
*.htm separate .htm experiment ants. TODO implement as presets
fix links
em, set settings in url
rethink resolution according to screen size
ask someone with smartphone to test if it working on phones at all
fix p5js, upd it
add features of save/load, presets, find pattern from TjurmitsHQ to webGL.htm
GL no/smooth settings
test2 webGL 8M ops = 220ms (extended ant mode)+ 10~15ms draw
test1 js 100M ops =936ms
[] change program of walking, programs of visualisation and audiolisation [] fill field with pattern or function [] save/load parameters [] save/load field to image [*] multiple ants
[] fast send arrays and settings to shader [] GPU pan, zoom, colorization [] select ant, view and change properties [] animate camera and parameters [] мultilanguage イnてrface [] draggable panels of inteface, pos are saved
[] Dat.gui, with save/load [] big collection of ants and settings
[ ] render last N steps wo colorize and save image with ant pos to center [ ] ants pos in save-image name [ ] filled area per t, end point distance per t [ ] investigate why pattern do not shown [ ] load field [ ] save localStorage to file [ ] save img nm, load [ ] save settings to img QR-code [ ] negative speed [ ] upd pattern from f, or list of pictures in select [ ] dont flood URL untill ask of link