Installing required software

  • install WaveForms following the getting started guide:

  • install Visual Studio Code following the platform-specific instructions below:

  • install the following Visual Studio Code extensions:

  • download this repository by cloning it using git or by downloading and unzipping

  • open waveforms-notebooks folder in Visual Studio Code

    • from the "File" menu select "Open Folder"
    • in the "Open Folder" dialog select waveforms-notebooks folder and click "Open"
  • create micromamba environment

    • from the "View" menu select "Command Palette"
    • type "micromamba create environment"

Working with notebooks

  • open one of the notebooks in Visual Studio Code

  • make sure the micromamba environment called "default" is selected in the kernel/environment selector in the top right corner of the notebook view

  • run the code cells one by one by clicking the play icon in the top left corner of each cell